Thursday, June 25, 2009

Thursday news and notes

Seeds planted early will flower later in life: See La Florida to see how our trips to parks has shaped the life of my oldest son. No nature deficit disorder in this house.

First day of classes: Mark is chuckling over his new classmates. Most are just 18 and don't know how to do their laundry.

Doggie mayhem: See to see how we are spending our weekends these days. Managing an energetic Aussie pup is a full time job.

Economy: Gayle is a graphic artist who has done renderings of high end homes for developers. She is also a great predictor of the economy. About six months before a housing collapse, her business dries up. And about six months before the housing market improves, she starts receiving calls for work. Today, she received her first phone call since November 2007.


Stacy said...

I love gliders pictures.

Airborne dad said...

He is a cutie. Lots of fun...and very, very busy.

ABNPOPPA said...

Yea, for Gayle! I hope her business goes wild in the next couple of months!

I can relate a little to Mark. I was 27 when I started college. Surrounded by a bunch of 18-19 year old kids was very funny at the time. The best thing that happened to me was that's when I met ABNMOMMA! We all know the rest 32 wonderful years.

Of course this won't happen to Mark as he is spoken for.


Airborne dad said...


She is a very good barometer of the housing market. If the phone starts ringing, better time for all of us.

We think about ABNMOMMA all the time. Hope you and Jacob are doing well.

ABNPOPPA said...

Hanging in there. I am heading down over the 4th. I will be meeting with the Brigade General's driver. Guess who got tapped for that little detail? I have to go down and make sure his uniform is up to standards you know. LOL.

Awesome picture of the water spout. I have never seen one in real life but I think it would kind of cool.

Thanks for remembering ABNMOMMA.
