Friday, May 16, 2008

82nd Airborne memorial

82nd Airborne museum and memorial

Jon and I visited Mark in May 2006 shortly before his first deployment to Iraq. We toured Ft. Bragg and the 82nd's museum. Off in the corner of this picture is the 82nd's memorial to the fallen in the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Each name of the fallen is etched in the granite monument. Jon wanted me to take a picture of the memorial and Mark, being somewhat superstitious, asked me not to.

Today the memorial, thought to be big enough when it was planned, is now full and cannot accommodate any more names. The story about this memorial and others can be found here.

1 comment:

MightyMom said...

being somewhat superstitious I tend to agree wiht Mark-the-younger.....but it's just sad the thing's full! too sad.