Sunday, April 13, 2008

Today's NY Times

This is from columnist Frank Rich in today's Op Ed page:

"The simple explanation for why we shun the war is that it has gone so badly. But another answer was provided in the hearings by Senator George Voinovich of Ohio, one of the growing number of Republican lawmakers who no longer bothers to hide his exasperation. He put his finger on the collective sense of shame (not to be confused with collective guilt) that has attended America’s Iraq project.

“The truth of the matter,” Mr. Voinovich said, is that “we haven’t sacrificed one darn bit in this war, not one. Never been asked to pay for a dime, except for the people that we lost.”

This is how the war planners wanted it, of course. No new taxes, no draft, no photos of coffins, no inconveniences that might compel voters to ask tough questions. This strategy would have worked if the war had been the promised cakewalk. But now it has backfired. A home front that has not been asked to invest directly in a war, that has subcontracted it to a relatively small group of volunteers, can hardly be expected to feel it has a stake in the outcome five stalemated years on."


ABNPOPPA said...

Being a Buckeye, someone who has ties with the state of Ohio, I can speak to the Senator's remarks. He like several other Senators is on his way out. Here in Ohio we speak of him like the uncle that sits in his rocking chair all day and mumbles to himself. He is a disgrace to Ohio and in my ever so humble opinion an embarrassment to America along with Jimmie Carter. I believe both have suffered some type of brain damage.

Rick98C said...

Hey poppa,

Maybe you could explain why you feel that way. Is it just because he isn't cheerleading the war?